Tuesday 28 April 2009


The Buner offensive is nothing but a joke. First the Army hands out the Swat valley to the Talibans with the majority of the National Assembly authorising it in the name of a piece of stupid legislation named as Nizam-e-Adl or whatever that might be called. And when the same Talibans moved further East into Buner, His excellency the great President of Pakistan Mr 10% and his interior minister Mr. Rehman Malik suddenly woke up and ordered the Army to kick (haha) the miscreants out of that town (as if the Army did’nt know what was going on in that area). Where was the Army and the military intelligence when members of Al-Qaeda and Talibans were driven out of Afghanistan by their masters the US Army just about 8 years ago and were infilterating in the now very well known parts of tribal areas (including the Swat valley)? Instead of doing anything about the potential threat (now reality) the Army was being used by the Commando (Parvez Musharraf) to strengthen it’s grips on the affairs of the already beleagured country. Talibans strengthened their positions as the Army looked away as if to say ‘go on buddies, as long as we are in between nobody will dare point a finger towards you. Now is the time to pay the price of this complacency ie IF they have understood that Talibans now pose existential threat to the country and Buner or Lower Dir are not the areas that interest them in real terms. They have their eyes towards Islamabad and further south.

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